Launching A Food Blog: Simple Hacks For Better Design!


Regardless of whether you are foodie or someone who likes experimenting with cuisines, you should consider sharing your hobby with the world. A food blog is probably the simplest and most effective way to have a voice and earn money from it. Food and lifestyle bloggers earn huge through paid partnerships, marketing and ad revenue, and all it takes is a good blog. It doesn’t take a fortune or extreme expertise to build a website, but you need to focus on the design, because it all about food and things that stimulate the appetite visually. Here are some quick tips that may come in handy for designing food blogs.

The overhyped yet needed trend of minimalism

Web designers swear by minimal designs these days, and if you don’t have the budget to hire one, you can always use one of the website builders. Wix and Weebly have some great ready-to-use templates for food blogs, which can be considered, and if you want do in a smaller budget, you can always consider WordPress. WordPress also has some amazing plug-ins for SEO and social media, so your website doesn’t need to be heavy on the backend. Minimal web design ensures that the focus of a food blog remains on the content.

Watch what you post

Content planning is critical for any blog. You want to have a theme and overall tone for the blog, and therefore, every post, image and content does have a bearing on that. Make sure that you are not confusing two themes, and it is also important to ensure authenticity in content. The biggest mistake is to use stock photos and images. If you don’t have a good camera as yet, invest in one and ensure that every dish or object of interest is clicked at least a few times before the final image is selected.

Color, font and other smaller details

The color mix for a food blog is particularly important. In all likeliness, the photos will have adequate color saturation for highlighting food items, so you don’t want the background to be too bright. Same for the font. You want the typography to be readable and appealing, but it shouldn’t take away from the essence from the content.

Finally, be regular. Plan the design of food blog around at least a few contents, and you have to keep adding more, to ensure that your readers have something to return to.